Monday, June 21, 2010

So in continuation with my total disgust with the oil spill situation, I have to comment on a show I watched over the weekend. Need to know, which is a news program on PBS, did a very moving story on a little town in Louisiana. They are a beach community like Fernandina, where I live, and they have literally shut down. They make there money off tourism which is plentiful when you live near the ocean. Unless you have oil in your water! Peoples' lively hoods are at stake! BP is not going to pay out enough to keep any of these people from losing their homes and business'. So it seems to me the odds of our beach community feeling the effects of the oil spill will be just as severe. The story just really hit home with me and made me very emotional. I just really felt for these people whose lives are being destroyed by things that are out of their control. Not only are they having to pick up the pieces STILL after hurricane Katrina, but now for the "love of oil" they will have to do it again. I think this may be more catastrophic than Katrina, because I think we will feel the after effects for a long time to come. Enjoy local seafood while you can, you may not have that option soon. I hate to be a pessimist but I feel we won't recover from this any time soon. I heard it is 1.2 million gallons of oil a day that are pouring into our oceans! Didn't anyone plan ahead for something like this? Didn't anyone care enough to? Do we think this won't have long time effects? We can't even imagine yet the destruction of ocean life and the messed up generations of ocean life to come. The effects are bound to devastate us unimaginably! So now the fishing industry is shut down, the beach communities business is shut down, and they are all losing money by the day! By the gallon! Will BP rise to the occasion and help the people that will be in need? My hopes are not that high unfortunately! But file the claim and they will pay all legitimate claims! What they need to do is quit spending all that money on new commercials and new programs! Shouldn't you be paying the light bills and mortgage payments of those that because of you are out of work now!

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