Monday, May 31, 2010

So I have been gardening for about 3 years now. My husband is an avid grower and has been since he was about 3. (That's when he started his own strawberry patch) He loves it way more than most! I have learned it is way harder than I might have first anticipated. I think I let him do most of the work in the beginning, but I have come around to putting my share of elbow grease into it. I have found the beauty in it, and it has become very rewarding.

The best part is I get fresh veggies, and I know where they came from! Not shipped across seas! Flown in planes! Handled by who knows who! Just pure deliciousness. With prices the way they are for fruit and vegetables it is beneficial to have at least a little something growing that you can eat! We have broccoli, squash, corn, onions, okra, and lots of different tomatoes. I think that's all! :) We also have just started a blueberry patch, but are having some issues with that. We had issues with the tomatoes too but we keep on trying! I have to say I gotta give it up for the farmers! I don't think people truly appreciate where their food comes from.

I think maybe our kids will learn a thing or two from it as well. At least that's what we are hoping. Our 3 year old helps pull weeds and knows what the veggies are and that he's having them for dinner! It's nice to see him excited about it. It's fun for him, and hopefully it will stay that way!

The garden can be pretty amazing first thing in the morning. I had to pollinate squash, because we have a shortage of bees, and it's neat to see the flowers throughout the day as they open up and stuff. Gardening is a wonderful thing that I think everyone should experience. I really puts things in perspective, as far as our earth is concerned. I feel that much more compelled to take care of it and appreciate it. So if you've thought about gardening, you should try it. It's hard work, but anything worth having is hard work!