Monday, May 17, 2010

Reduce, Recycle, and Replant -
Data Highlights on Restoring the World's Forests.

by Earth Policy Institute on April 29, 2010

in Science

The world's forests, which cover a third of Earth's land area, provide us with many essential services. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and give us oxygen, limit soil erosion, aid in flood control and aquifer recharge, and host a wealth of biodiversity. But as human populations have grown, so, too, have the demands placed on these natural systems. As vast swaths of forests have been cleared for agriculture and development, the use of forest products has also climbed, further increasing pressures on the world's trees.
In 2008, some 3.4 billion cubic meters of wood were removed from the world's forests, enough to cover Manhattan nearly 60 meters (200 feet) deep in lumber.....
Across Asia, 76 percent of wood cut down is used as fuel. In Africa fuelwood accounts for 90 percent....while the rest is used for industrial purposes (construction or paper prod.)...
....South Korea recycles 85% of its paper....US (the #1 paper consumer) recycles 1/2 of its paper....China recycles only 35%....if every country recycled as much of its paper as South Korea....the amount we use would decrease by a third.
.....widespread tree planting efforts are also needed to restore forests.....The United Nations Environment Programme's Billion Tree Campaign....since 2006...governments and individuals have planted over 10 billion trees.
So in an effort to find something to blog about I found this picture on
I just hurt to see such a neat tree cut down. This is in Guatemala. It was an article about Deforestation. So I figured I would write about the problems we are having with our precious planet now-a-days and how I came to think more about it.
Now I have never been a big tree hugger. Granted I come from hippies, but tend to use a razor and ENJOY indoor plumbing, running water, electricity...way too much!!! I love nature and all the beauty in Mother Earth, but never thought I would be one to recycle or grow my own veggies (which I do now), or worry about the crap in the food I eat. Until I had my son.
I pay more attention to news reports about the food we eat. The pesticides & preservatives they are putting on out food scare the hell out of me. I don't want to feed those things to ANYONE! I have a garden now, and it keeps getting bigger. I recycle all I can. And am trying to go organic as much as possible. Staying away from crap that we KNOW is not good for us! And trying to instill that in my family.
I think a lot differently about the way I take care of my family. I want them to eat good foods. And know how to grow their own. I try to teach them to conserve and recycle and take care of this beautiful earth. It's so important! And I wish I would have started sooner, but better late than never.

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