Monday, July 26, 2010

Most of us are used to the basic classroom: blackboard and chalk, and #2 pencils, but the way we get an education is rapidly changing. There are some great aspects of the traditional education, but the more research I did the more I find online courses give people lots of options. The majority of us all went to a traditional school thru High School, but now there are options younger kids online. This to me seems ideal for kids being bullied at school. If it is easier for some kids to not be in the classroom, for whatever reason, then I say let them. Personally I would have been more inclined to say that online school is not as good as the classroom, but I may have changed my own mind on this because there really seems to be a lot of benefits. On I found a quote by Richard L. Hopkins that stayed with me. He said “Education in its institutional forms is about authority, power, manipulation, and agency; it is about who decides what.” Now I didn’t personally feel this way about the classroom, but I guess I can understand those who do. The old way of doing things has worked for years, so some may be skeptical of the new technological changes. But our whole world is changing and becoming more high tech so it is only natural that our schools would change as well. However, I cannot help but to think that we need some of the old fashioned way to give us balance. Balance between what has worked all these years, and the new ways. Some of the benefits traditional education offers are that children get to interact with each other. This can teach them important communication and people skills. It promotes interaction and provides a balance between educational and social development. Students taking online classes have not shown any signs of retaining less information than students in the classroom. On I found a study by the Sloan Consortium in which they discovered around 62% of chief education advisors thought online education helped students learn just as good if not better than traditional learning. When I first thought about going to school online I imagined I wouldn’t do very well. But after taking a few classes and having most of the work to do online, I find it is very convenient. I did get to go to the classroom one day a week, which helped me a lot. With online classes I can move at my own pace and do the work on my own time, which helps if you have family to tend to! On they talked about new programs they have at high schools. You can go actually go to virtual school, and probably never have to set foot in a classroom to graduate now. I think this is great for the issue with bulling we have now a days. On I found they even offer a middle school program. Kids that are getting picked on can opt to go to school from home and get just as good of an education. High school to me is so much about the “cliques”, or the clothes you wear, or the money you have or where you come from. These kids getting picked on are not getting a fair chance to learn. For some busy adults the ability to go to school online is the only way they would ever be able to do it. On I found a man’s story of how he went back after all those years, and found the online classroom more beneficial for him than traditional school. He was able to attend school from all over the world. However he points out that to do it all online one must be self driven and highly motivated. And regardless of what you might think there is still just as much work to be done. On it says that all you need is pen and paper and a willingness to learn. What a bonus that you don’t have to spend money on school supplies and books, or the gas money and wear and tear on your vehicle. This for some can be the determining factor. Online schools are becoming the norm. Open Education - as defined by is “a collective term that refers to forms of education in which knowledge, ideas or important aspects of teaching methodology or infrastructure are shared freely over the internet. “ So is one method better than the other or is it just a matter of personal preference? Face it though, our schools are moving into the future, whether we are ready or not.

I can't beleive it, I just finished 2 college classes! My first in 15 years! I am not amazed that I finished them, I am more amazed that I finally did this! I finally got in school and that I am trying! After all these years I am back in school. I'm so excited and cannot wait until I can get a good job that I can be proud of! One that will make me better money! So into the I go!

So I really tried to surf this weekend! It was great, I didn't want to get out of the water! After 9 years of Matt asking me to surf, I finally gave in. I was always ok with just sitting on the beach taking pictures of him surfing. Now I want to be in the water, with him. It was a great feat for me, and I am kinda proud of myself! I think I may be growing up a little! Trying new stuff!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am so glad to hear that BP has finally put a cap on this oil spill. It couldn't have taken any longer! But better late than never. So now I wonder what they are going to focus on. Will they still give people money that they are losing because of this oil spill? Will they still try to clean it up, and test to make sure no long term damage has been done. Or will they go back to drilling, that commotion has stopped so we can forget about it, right? Wrong! There is still so much destruction! BP better stick around for the aftermath!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Surfing to some is considered a sport, because it can give you the opportunity to make a good living. Surfing to most however is a lifestyle, they surf because they have passion for it. As a new hobby for me, learning to surf is quite difficult. Surfing can take a lot of effort and persistence. It allows me to enjoy the sun, sand, and salt water. Surfing also brings me and my husband closer together, and can be very peaceful, so I keep on trying.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Plastic grocery bags have been on the radar for many years as a completely avoidable form of consumer waste. But the first layer of packaging that goes around products do not get quite as much attention, despite it being just as wasteful in many cases. A London grocery store is setting a new precedent by eliminating
packaging from all of the products in their store, saving the environment and saving customers money at the same time.

So my re-newed hope in our world is found on There I read an article about this London store who's making you bring your own bags and containers. That way there is no waste from the plastic used to package things too. I wish we could start something like that in our own towns. If just one store out of every town in America would start this trend imagine the plastic we would save from ending up in a landfill. I have recently started taking my own re-usable bags with me. Sometimes I forget and when I see all the bags they waste it makes me wanna kick myself. Or bag my own groceries!!!

Then in Concord Mass., they have banned the sale of plastic bottles. They are the first town in the US to do such a thing. It just takes one person making a change, to do great good. If we could all just get on the same page with this, it could make a huge impact. Now I just have to think of my thing. I need to find a way to make a difference all by myself. One person can help!

Shall I just keep going with the Oil Spill topic?
It seems to be the most important at this time......

So also in the PBS show I watched they talked about the health concerns from cleaning up the oil. How is it effecting the workers? The workers from the Exxon Valdez spill of 1989 have had lots of medical conditions arise. But no one has bothered to research them or the effects of having to clean up the oil. It amazes me the more and more I learn about this spill and all the things that have gone so wrong. Why has a better system not been put in place. Why hasn't someone already thought about how to stop a pipe if it busts? Why are there not more rules and regulations for the oil drilling in the first place? I have so many unanswered questions! Like "will I have to explain to my grand-children that at one time you could actually swim in the ocean!" Will we make it until I see my grand-children? I wish there was something I could do. Something to make people in power see what they are setting themselves up for. Disaster, we are all headed blindly into it. Is it too late? Or can we still make a change? Will we make a change?